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GreenBox Loans, Inc. is building strong financial partnerships with Real Estate brokers through Affiliated Business Arrangements (ABA) that provide direct access to residential lending products.

An Affiliated Business Arrangement (ABA) serves as an additional division for a real estate company, through a general partnership, without the complications and overhead of a traditional mortgage division. The division instantly opens an additional financial channel for the real estate partner. The legally viable partnership will offer real estate brokers and their clients the best loan products – Conventional, Jumbo, and FHA/VA available in the marketplace.

The benefits of Affiliated Business Arrangements (ABA) include:

  • Profitability – additional income without the overhead of another location or staffing expenses

  • Control – the handling of the referred customer

  • Predictability – of the closing timeline

The Greenbox Loans, Inc. management team is well versed in all areas of residential lending with over 50 years of combined experience. The team is focused on supporting the success of its real estate partners by providing superior service, pricing, and reduced time and control for closing each transaction.

For more information, please contact: ABA Sales

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